Intelligent Construction

Elevate your construction projects with drones

Drones is the future of construction optimisations

Do you want to ensure clear communication across stakeholders and project partners? Do you want to track progress with centimeter level precision? Do you want to conduct frequent site surveys, stockpile measurements, inspections and more?

Drones can help you do that. Cheap and effectively.

Progress reporting.

Using drones with high quality image and GPS sensors you can create so called orthomosaic maps that are centimeter level precise maps of the job site. This allows you to not only track progress from one drone flight to the next, but also compare the maps to the construction schedule and even overlay project CAD drawings on top of the maps to ensure conformance.

The same image material taken to create these maps can be used to create high fidelity 3D models of the construction project for use with clients, investors and marketing material. Click the 3D model below for a virtual fly-by.


With drones you can perform inspections of hard to reach or even normally inaccessible areas. Everything from rooftops, building sides and cranes can be inspected closely with drones equipped with high quality zoom lenses. In addition, drones with advanced sensors such as thermal can be used to validate roof installs and discover any water or heat leakage issues in time.

Site surveys.

Drones can be used throughout the construction process. Right from the first flight to conduct topographical surveys through earthworks with daily cut and fill reports to detailed planning of the construction project. You can even evaluate the efficiency of equipment on site.

Stockpile measurements.

Drones equipped with advanced GPS sensors can be used to calculate volumes of stockpiles with centimeter level precision within minutes saving you money by knowing exactly how much material you have on your job site. This not only saves unexpected cost overruns but also increases safety at the site.

Drones can reduce costs, increase documentation, streamline communications, reduce time for all construction projects, large or small.

If this sounds interesting to you, get in touch* and set up a free consultation to see what drones can do for you.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Book a free consultation below where we will look at your particular construction projects and how our drone services can help you.